
Training & Safety Posters

Elevate safety standards in ships and workplaces with our training posters, built to last and effectively communicate essential safety information.

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Stay safe with our Bench Grinder Safety Poster! Essential guidelines. White Vinyl / PVC Poster.

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It is used to warn of Drilling Machines danger.

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It is used to warn of Bench Grinders danger.

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It is used to warn of automatically closing doors.

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Stay prepared at sea with our GMDSS Distress Procedures poster, guiding you through essential protocols for maritime emergencies. Ensure safety with clear instructions and communication techniques.

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Coronavirus COVID-19 Poster from International Chamber of Shipping

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It is used to give instructions for immersion, survival or anti-exposure suits.

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Explore the detailed actions taken by ships upon receiving VHF/MF 22-0047 signals. Learn about protocols and procedures in our website.