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✅ ISPS Code Signs

International Ship and Port Facility Security Code (ISPS)

The purpose of the Code is to provide abstandardised, consistant framework for evaluating risk, enabling governments to offset changes in threat with changes in vulnerability for ships and port facilities through determination of appropriate security levels and corresponding security measures.

This sign denotes that only authorized personnel have access to this area.

CCTV signs are required for transparency and legal compliance. They inform individuals that they are being recorded, protecting privacy, deterring misconduct, and ensuring ethical use of surveillance.

To signify that a door must be kept locked in port.

CCTV signs are required for transparency and legal compliance. They inform individuals that they are being recorded, protecting privacy, deterring misconduct, and ensuring ethical use of surveillance.

Rigid PVC Security Level Sign with a printed insert which allows the level of security to be changed.

To prohibit the taking of photographs.

It is used to signify that only authorised personnel allowed in this restricted area

To signify that a door must be kept locked on security alert.

It is used to signify that all visitors please report to...

The IALA Buoyage System provides consistency and clarity for mariners navigating unfamiliar waters, helping to ensure safe passage and prevent collisions. It's an essential aspect of maritime navigation and is taught in nautical training programs worldwide.

Discover our safety sign indicating VDR voice recording on this bridge. A vital reminder of the voice data recording system in place for your safety.

This sign is used to declare the prohibition of weapons.

Security seals are used for various purposes across different industries to enhance security and protect against tampering, theft, or unauthorized access.

A snap-back zone on a mooring deck is the space where it is anticipated that the failed mooring line could recoil with great velocity, possibly resulting in injury or even death to crew present within this zone.

International Ship and Port Facility Security Code (ISPS) The purpose of the Code is to provide abstandardised, consistant framework for evaluating risk.

This sign warns that there is a danger of severe injury, because of the door that may shut from ship's motion.

It is used to warn of danger because of nitrogen asphyxiation.

This sign shows the location of safety locker.

Discharge of all garbage into thw sea is prohibited except provided otherwise...

Clearly mark designated smoking areas with our professional smoking area signs. Ensure compliance and promote a smoke-free environment.

Security seals are used for various purposes across different industries to enhance security and protect against tampering, theft, or unauthorized access.

International Ship and Port Facility Security Code (ISPS) The purpose of the Code is to provide abstandardised, consistant framework for evaluating risk,...

It is used to signify that heat should be kept away.

Security seals are used for various purposes across different industries to enhance security and protect against tampering, theft, or unauthorized access.

Security seals are used for various purposes across different industries to enhance security and protect against tampering, theft, or unauthorized access.

Security Level 2, heightened.
It is the level applying for as long as there is a heightened risk of a security incident.

It is used to warn of danger because of skin injection.

It is the level at which ships and port facilities normally operate.
This will mean that minimum protective security measures shall be maintained at all times.

Security seals are used for various purposes across different industries to enhance security and protect against tampering, theft, or unauthorized access.