International Code of Signals :: Alphabetical Flags
The term "alphabetical flags" generally refers to the set of flags used in the International Code of Signals to represent letters of the alphabet. Nautical alphabet flags are used for communication between ships or between ships and shore. Each flag represents a specific letter or number.
They are used for:
- Visibility and Long-Distance Communication
- International Communication
- Emergency Signaling
- Avoidance of Verbal Misunderstanding
- Military and Security Applications
- Regulatory Compliance
- Traditional and Cultural Significance
Alphabetic flags along with their corresponding letters:
A - Alpha / B - Bravo / C - Charlie / D - Delta / E - Echo / F - Foxtrot / G - Golf / H - Hotel / I - India / J - Juliet / K - Kilo / L - Lima / M - Mike / N - November / O - Oscar / P - Papa / Q - Quebec / R - Romeo / S - Sierra / T - Tango / U - Uniform / V - Victor / W - Whiskey / X - X-ray / Y - Yankee / Z - Zulu